Our mahatmas and sannyasis have burnt tins of ghee in havan without caring for the economic condition of India. They would give offerings in the fire continuously for two or three months throughout the twenty four hours. Whichever mahatma wants to elevate himself begins by burning the wealth of India in the havan. Every year we get such news. I do not know the condition of South India. Probably they do it there also. And those who don't do this entice the public into the mirage of kundalini. In spite of all this none of our mahatmas could yet kindle the fire in the heart of a single person, but have burnt excessively that which could have been useful to their children, and which could have helped the correct formation of heart and brain. By giving ahuti of the very prana, if the Institute could kindle the fire even in one person, it would be better work than a thousand yagnas. (SS-237)