The Institute of Sri Ramchandra Consciousness has a simple and clear cut emblem which represents the philosophy and ideology of the Institute as also that of the method in which it seeks to train those desirous of entering the spiritual life.
At the bottom of the emblem in the ribbon we find that the Institute is in the service of the eternally present Supreme Personality Sri Ramchandraji, Shahjahanpur, U.P. The Institute firmly believes that the Supreme Personality of Sri Ramchandraji is present even after His physical veiling on 19th April 1983. Though it is always God who is the real Guru, Rev. Master is the Personality chosen by Nature to bring out change in the affairs of the human life now.
The arrow mark at the middle of the ribbon is the place we all reside. We go through various forms of rituals : social, environmental, religious and spiritual during our lifetime. The path shown as Satyapad marg indicates this.
The Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj is the Sun who is throwing light on the path and the light above in His realm. The path is always Natural whatever we may be doing but a true life is one in which Truth is the guiding principle. The True Path really is the Natural Path because it leads us to the Spiritual life where it is not only the happiness of the individual that is sought but that of the whole humanity. Only in the True Path can one gain meaning for fraternity, sharing, loving and happiness. That is best achieved by knowing and willingly yielding to the Divine Master. This True and Natural Path leads us to the state of balanced living and experienced by the individual as perfect peace.
The Om Tat Sat is the traditional Indian way of telling that Spirituality is That, That and That alone, which cannot be described and That it IS. This is a state of consciousness that is achieved by the individual in his spiritual life and is felt right on top of the head. But beyond lies the scope for evolution of human consciousness and that is suggested by the dark color on top of the emblem