You have written, “Please give me that thing which you consider essential for me”, and further, “I hope you shall certainly give it”. The worldly answer for this is that when I am yours, everything that is mine is already yours. And my real desire is to sell myself away. But no customer seems to be forthcoming. It is because I have fixed no price for myself. And such are the times that none wants to have me even free. And in a way this too is alright. What should one do with a handful of bones?
O! Nanak, who would maintain and feed an old ox? So, dear brother, please get yourself ready to buy me, so that I may not go on hawking myself from house to house.
And dear brother, the desire for good health and wealth is there in everybody to some extent. This is a fact beyond doubt. But you have got the desire for that which is yours alone and which is with you; and hence you are more worried for it. (SS-295,296)