Policy for sale of books
The books published and offered for sale by the Sri Ramchandra Publications, are of very high quality material and in view of its spiritual character are offered at a highly subsided price and in fact cover only handling charges. The cost of the books are subsidised by members of the ISRC and the Sri Ramchandra Publishers are highly thankful to all of them. The offer may be profitably used for the benefit of spiritual understanding of Life made possible and easy for the common man by the great Mahatma Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, India.
Most of the below books are downloadable and easily readable thru' book reader.
The book has notes on 143 cells. Of these, notes till 110 give us insights into the various psychological conditions from the 1st to 5th knots. The notes from 111 to 143 deal with the conditions of Brahmand, Para Brahmand, Prapanna, Prapanna Prabhu and higher.
We are glad to bring out this volume of the transcriptions of certain talks of Rev.K.C.Narayana delivered on various occasions.
The subjects dealt with include primarily the various practical aspects of sadhana
In the book on "Meditation" Sri K.C.Narayana discusses many aspects of meditation, purification and prayer. All the topics have been dealt with in a lucid style, leaving no room for any ambiguity and are wholly based on his personal sadhana, experiences had and imperience gained in letter and spirit of Pranahuti Aided Meditation generously bestowed to Humanity by the Great Master of the day, Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur (U.P.), India.
The volume contains the four essential books of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur viz.,
Efficacy of Rajayoga, Sri Ramchandra's Commandments, Reality at Dawn and Towards Infinity.
We have brought forward this presentation in order that the aspirants can have access to all the important works of the Master in one volume.
A Handbook of Hindu Religion
Notes on Sri Ramachandra's Ten Commandments
The book 'Efficacy of Raja Yoga' by Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj is a totally new presentation of the system of Raja yoga of sage Patanjali modified to suit the needs of the modern man. This book " Practice and Efficacy of Sri Ramchandras' Raja Yoga is an intimate sharing of the understanding of the practical aspects of sadhana by a sincere seeker.
Pujya Sri K.C. Narayana has been practicing and propagating this system of yoga for 4 decades and presents here the vital aspects of sadhana. Sri Ramchandraji in his modified Raja yoga asks aspirants to start their practice with a meditation on the heart asserting that is the place where we find the similar condition to that which was obtaining at the time of start of creation and states an obvious fact of it being the meeting place of activity and inactivity.
He broadly categorizes the various states of consciousness as relating to the heart, mind and the centre and calls the regions of such consciousness as Heart region, Mind region and Central region.
The Master has located 2 points in the chest region called A and B and suggested meditation over these points to control the sensual cravings. Pujya Sri K.C. Narayana asserts that he found by sincere practice of these meditations he has been able to put the beast in him under control and was enabled to live a life of Satya, Ahimsa, Asteya, Aparigraha and Brahmacharya more easily and any swerve in the path was able to be rectified by strictly following these meditations.
He also asserts in this work that the practice of the commandments of the Master is more easily possible by following these meditations strictly. He appeals in this work that others may try and benefit from this boon to humanity which has been struggling to over come the pulls of the vital and physical bodies.
This book presents a dynamic approach for spiritual upliftment of human consciousness. The human psyche has been struggling to rid itself of the clutches of bestial consciousness and has been meeting with more failures than successes through the human history. The blend of the animal, human and divine in the consciousness of an individual and the struggle or inter play of these has been the drama of human life.
The attempts to divinise and/or humanize the consciousness made through culture, tradition, science and religion have met with varying proportions of success and the struggle is on.
The time has come when divinity chose to interfere in this endeavor and through the decent of Sri Ramchandra of Shahjahanpur it has found a way to the heart of all human beings to support and supplement the individual effort for transformation.
The book "Towards Infinity" of Sri Ramchandra is the road map of the Path of grace. The spiritual journey of the aspirants is traced broadly through 13 knots located in the human frame and these points have little in common with the conventional and mostly misunderstood and misinterpreted centers or lotuses going by the name of Shat Chakras.
The journey starts from the centre located in the chest region about 3 fingers width from the left nipple towards the sternum and ends in the 13th knot located near the occipital bone in the head. The author mentions 4 different stages of mergence in each knot which are better understood through practice.
The commentary on this book, by Pujya Sri K.C. Narayana who has practically experienced the various stages and states of consciousness in his journey to the Infinite has given a lucid explanation of the various stages of progress in human consciousness.
This book gives an account of the Rings of Splendor a subject which was not covered by the Master himself and he seeks other aspirants to check for themselves the facts of experience he states in the book. He has also located the various knots including one more called Saraswathi in the human frame, which is an improvement over the original work. This book is first of its kind in the study and evolution of consciousness. This work could change the way of looking at the problem of human evolution to the Divine and related spiritual and psychic research.
The book 'Dawn of Reality' is an exposition of the book "Reality at Dawn" written by the Master Sri Ramchandraji which is a good introduction to the system of sadhana advocated by him. This book tries to explain the system in simple language. Brig. Krishnaiah a systematic practitioner of the system has given a lucid and clear exposition of the system.
The original of the Master covers a broad spectrum of topics starting from Religion to Realization. The topic on Religion has been extensively dealt with by the author to stimulate the reader to thinking with a fond hope that one rises above level of Religion and starts embracing spirituality. The topics on 'Goal of Life', 'Ways And Means' and 'Spiritual Training' are covered with an understanding that arises from practical experience.
The importance of the quality of a spiritual trainer is well stressed and it is made clear that no one can claim to be a guide unless he has the capacity for offering Pranahuti is well brought out.
The Master presents a fresh view that 'Faith', 'Constant Remembrance' and 'Self Surrender' are states of consciousness that come to the seeker as one proceeds on the path of spirituality rather than the common view that they are practices in the spiritual path. The Master in his work presents a different picture of various coverings over the soul and as contrasted to five sheaths ( Kosas)
He presents a picture of 23 concentric circles, 5 of Maya or Illusion, 11 of Egoism and 7 of Splendour that cover the soul and the path is detailed as a movement from the circle 1 to circle 23 before one reaches the Centre. A thoroughly new and fresh presentation of the path that is better understood through practice of PAM.
This book is a compilation of the various messages (40)delivered by the great Master Rev. Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur U.P. India on various occasions. These messages have been categorized into six headings. Starting with
Advent of Special Personality and continuing through
The messages convey a definite meaning and purpose in human life to be achieved. The main thrust and emphasis in all these messages is the availability of proper means through Pranahuti and the assistance of the Special Personality in the task of transformation of mankind. The publishers make it clear that the messages of the Master, covered in this book cannot be claimed to be complete as there may be many more messages that have been delivered and continue to be delivered into the hearts of the aspirants.
This book is a compilation of the various aspects of sadhana, culled out from a large amount of correspondence the Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj had with many disciples. It also includes many articles written by the Master on very many special occasions.
The various aspects of sadhana, are all well explained and in detail for every one of us to understand and practice the system better. This book puts together some of His works, messages and clarifications in an organized manner consisting of 10 parts
- Sri Ramchandras' Raja Yoga
- Raja Yoga sadhana
- Special Personality
- Goal of Life , Ways and means
- Role of the Master
- Role of Abhyasi
- Reality
- Stages of Progress
- Problem of Living
- Types of Gurus and Disciples.
Each one of these parts is further brought into cover various sub
classifications and this book should be a companion of every seekers where ever he may go. All the spiritual
guidance that is provided in this book is based on Masters' own experience (Anubhava) and relate
to various aspects of sadhana which are not understood by the ordinary practicant. It contains valuable information on his experiences and inventions,
most importantly all that he said, he practiced and lived, setting an example for us to walk in His footsteps.
Pujya Dr. K.C. Varadachari is among the first disciples of the Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj and was responsible for the spread of the system of Rajayoga advocated by the Master. He being a Professor of Philosophy with extensive knowledge of the various systems of Indian Philosophy or Darshanas and known as Darshana Pradeepa and Darshana Diwakara had enormous influence on the serious students of spirituality was able to present this system for acceptance by all.
He considered and argued for this system being accepted as a New Darshana in his book New Darshana. This work was praised very highly by the Master. We through this volume present all his works on the system which consists of talks delivered by him on the books
- Ten Commandments
- Efficacy of Rajayoga
- Philosophy of Sahaj Marg
- An article on Prayer
Apart from the Lectures he has delivered on several occasions between 1966-1971 at
various places in India. His article on Human destiny is worth serious consideration by all.
This book by Brig.A.G. Krishnaiah concentrates on the most important aspect of sadhana. It is obvious that the irrevocable determination to abolish the internal consciousness alone is the way to reach the state of consciousness that can be described as Nirvana.
The disciplined Army Officer is most suited to present the case for determining the goal of life and as a sincere seeker of Reality is doubly qualified to write on such a subject as this one.
The author draws heavily on the teachings of Pujya Lalaji Maharaj and Pujya Babuji Maharaj and amplifications by Pujya Dr. K.C. Varadachari and Pujya Sri K.C. Narayana for information on the spiritual subjects and backs it with his own experience.
The present work contains three articles that provide clarity about the Goal, the role of abhyasi and the need to follow the commandments of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj.
This book is a compilation of various clarifications regarding the system of the Natural path propounded by Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, India.
This book contains various clarifications given by Revered Ramchandraji Maharaj and Brother Pujya Sri K.C. Narayana to fellow aspirants over a period of time. The clarifications have been suitably edited leaving out personal references and all the clarifications are in response to specific queries which have been raised by the sadhakas.
This book by Dr.A.Subbarao is a well-compiled collection of the messages of Rev.Lalaji Maharaj of Fategarh, U.P India, the guru of the Revered Masters Babuji Maharaj received in states of super consciousness as recorded by the Master Ramchandraji Maharaj in his autobiography published post humously by the sons of the Master.
This book traces the development of the new system of sadhana called Sri Ramchandra's Raja Yoga to suit the needs of the modern man. This book has five chapters.
Chapter I first chapter is brief stories of the Masters, Rev.Lalaji Maharaj and Pujya Babuji Maharaj.
Chapter II deals with role of aspirant in Sadhana.
Chapter III the subject " Methods of Training Techniques" covering various methods and transmission techniques revealed to the Master.
Chapter IV contains important spiritual conditions, points and clarifications.
Chapter V contains The letters of Rev.Lalaji Maharaj to pujya Babuji Maharaj written by the former during His lifetime.
The book " Sahaj Marg Philosophy" of the great Master Sri Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur(U.P)is more of the nature of compilation of the earlier works of the Master than a new one.
Dr. S.V.Raghavan a person who has been in the path for over 3 decades in his attempt to unfurl the wisdom of the Master in the book states that the Masters work 'is an unorthodox work in philosophy in the sense that its objective is not to comment upon the Prasthana traya, namely Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and the Brahma sutras and establishes itself as another school of thought such as Advaita. Rather the Sri Ramchandras' Raja Yoga itself is a new Darshana arising out of the super conscious perception of the propounder.'
He states further ' the profound contribution of the Master in the field relates to His revelations as to the real nature of knowledge and ignorance, the state of realization and the means thereof, the theory of parallelism and invertendo and the stages of progress on the road to the Ultimate destination.' The way in which the new philosophy is unveiled by the author is unique as it is based on his scholarship, learning and practical application of the methods of the system.
This book is a compilation of various clarifications regarding the system of the Natural path propounded by Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, India.
This book contains various clarifications given by Revered Ramchandraji Maharaj and Brother Pujya Sri K.C. Narayana to fellow aspirants over a period of time. The clarifications have been suitably edited leaving out personal references and all the clarifications are in response to specific queries which have been raised by the sadhakas.
This book gives a complete introduction to Pranahuti Aided Meditation. This book contains original articles of the Great Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur U.P. India covering all aspects of the system.
The 16 articles of the Master presented in this work cover various aspects of the system of PAM starting from some important features of the system through fundamental principles of the system covering various aspects like the Masters' support. This is an ideal method of introducing the system through the original works of the Master who propounded the system with his infinite love and concern for the pining humanity.
The book has included in it an essay on the practical approach to following the commandments of the Master called Imperience by Pujya Sri K.C. Narayana which is very valuable for all seekers of spirituality. The book has a chapter providing information on the Institute of Sri Ramchandras' Raja Yoga.
The physical access to the great Master, Rev. Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, U.P. India during his life before physical veiling (1984 April 19) has helped many an aspirant to seek clarification on many aspects of sadhana and he has replied to many a query on many occasions in His inimitable simple manner.
This book is a compilation of answers given by him culled out from His various works and recordings available.
This is a combined publication in which included various saying of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj having reference to Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Also included a recentfully discovered article "An exposition of the Masters Article on Gita" By Sri K.C.Narayana.
ISRC is honored to present an encyclopedic compilation of the terminology of the system of Pranahuti Aided Meditation founded and propounded by Pujya Shri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shajahanpur, U.P. India.
This book is a collection of lectures, talks and discussions of Pujya Sri K.C. Narayana on various occasions, and all of them are based on his practical experience in the field of PAM. The topics covered in this book relate to various aspects of practice like, Meditation, Methods, Purificatory process or Cleaning, PAM, Pranahuti, Pranahuti and its relevance in sadhana, Life and its Value, renunciation, Prayer and meditation, Faith and Surrender, Gaol of life and the Means etc.,
Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol IX and Vol X