Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur (U.P., India.) is the great Master who has revolutionized spiritual life of human beings. The Pranahuti technique coupled with the modified Raja Yoga techniques is the method he has advocated as the one to be practiced by all irrespective of Religion, Race, Creed, Sex or any other difference. He is the Special Personality foreseeing the destiny of humanity. It is well known in spiritual history of humanity that God descends in the human form as Avatars to restore the balance.
They are essentially governed by the principle of rectifying the defects that have crept in the life which distort the Natural Order. They ruthlessly go through their work and do not mind to destroy the evil.
However human history has also witnessed the arrival of many saints and reformers who try to mend the ways of life of the human and try to reason it out with them and attempt restoration of the Order.Saints have always been there and will continue to be there. The need for the descent is something that is rare and it is only at the Nature's cry, the Divine descends as an Avatar.
The Nature's answer to that need is the structuring of a personality which has surpassed the limitations of self of any type and kind - a personality of Void. That is Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, U.P. India. Dharma samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge is the basic concept of an Avatar. Lord Krishna was the last Avatar and He is the reigning Lord till the next Avatar comes, is the Hindu belief. Such being the case how is it that a Personality has come who is using a power above the Sudarshana chakra, is a legitimate question.
The appearance of the Supreme Personality is a necessity that was felt by Nature and He has come into being. He covers in Him all the earlier prophets, saints and messiahs. In Him are merged the Masters and there is no difference between Him and the Lord Krishna or Lord Buddha.
This aspect of the Personality was not all that clear during the lifetime of Rev. Babuji. It is more evident after His physical veiling even as He has Himself expressed in His autobiography. The Supreme Personality is using a power called Maha Kal chakra, which has the power of Time as its core, which is far too superior to the Sudarshana chakra. The problem of the Avatars were mainly concerned with an advanced soul who has chosen to violate the rhythm of the universe or a group of individuals as in the case of the Brahmin Ravana or the 100 Kshatriya Kauravas.
They were the main culprits and the task therefore is limited. Today the world has many persons who would make those legendary villains pale into insignificance. Further the culture of countries in general have become so tyrannical to ecological and environmental balance, it requires the interference of the Divine to save the creation of God.
We are on the verge of total annihilation through our mindless and senseless exploitation of natural resources and total indifference to the sensitive impulses of the Divine which in reality form the core of our essence and the real meaning of our existence.
The tasks of the earlier avatars were completed effortlessly through an expression of the Divine in the human form. This however, will not work now. No miracle is likely to make an average man convince about the need to transform himself and mould in the pattern dear to the Divine. Calls of great masters of the past for reformation and moulding into personalities of selfless service have gone waste.
In order to achieve His objective the Supreme Personality had to totally efface Himself and allow only His consciousness to work. The form and name of the Personality has really no significance. It is a great experiment where the fundamentals of the concept of Personality itself is transcended. Any Personality can be understood only with a name and form.
In this novel example the Divine has made it possible for a human being to transcend these limits and It has expressed itself in all its nobility and grandeur in Rev. Babuji. That is why often the Master used to say search for me and tell me where I am.