Please click on any alphabet above for the list of words in that alphabet.
About SRUTI:
ISRC is honored to present an encyclopedic compilation of the terminology of the system of
Pranahuti Aided Meditation founded and propounded by Pujya Shri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shajahanpur, U.P. India.
This compilation is named as SRUTI by which we have tried to express the meaning that the matter contained here
is similar to the primary vibration the Nada or Sruti which is the basis of all thought, sound and words.
This is a sincere attempt to give a comprehensive collection of the terminology. However there may be certain items
which may have been classified differently. We request readers to kindly let us know the same so that it may be incorporated in future editions.
This compilation, we hope will act as a ready reckoner for all sincere seekers.
The Books referred are:
BWS: Basic writings of Sri Ramchandra - April 2008 ed.
SDG: Showers of Divine Grace - October 2006 ed.
SS: Silence Speaks - May 2007 ed.
WU: Wisdom Unfurled - August 2008 ed.
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