The Institute was started in august 1991, to propagate the system of RAJAYOGA advocated by Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur, U.P India in its purity of content and practice.
To spread the message of the Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj, by way of educating people into the simple and natural and a new way of life through his modified Raja Yoga.
To develop the Divine Resource in all the human beings so that Peace and Harmony in life is achieved naturally.
To assist evaluating the individuals practicing the new way of life.
To enable the individuals practicing the system achieve a reasonable level of efficiency in all their walks of life and lead a holistic life style through counseling and personal monitoring on a one to one basis.
- To promote universal harmony.
- To promote fraternity.
To enable individual growth in all aspects of life.
- To realise the meaning of human existence.
Philosophy of ISRC
The ISRC is a purely spiritual organization.
- It encourages the development of constructive individual development.
- It is motivated by unselfish service to humanity.
- It enables the individual to find out the narrow path of self effort and individual responsibility for spiritual development.
- It appeals to reason and common sense and encourages verification through direct personal experience.
It supports the spiritual prosperity of the individual through cooperation and sharing of resources.
- It holds out the vision of continuous progress through self effort and support of the Master.
- It encourages free discussion and rational explanations.
- It makes the instructions and teachings of the Master available to all worthy persons.
- It claims no authority but that of an appeal to reason and logic.
- It encourages the examination of many diverse points of view and makes an effort to find a synthesis among them.