Imperience is proud to present the following publication "PeerlessPearls of the Master" containing various saying and quotations given by revered Master Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur. We have named the publication as "Peerless Pearls" as the sayings contained here are without comparision and convey their own inner meaning according to the level of evolution and wisdom of the seeker. These saying of the Master give ample scope for contemplation and we hope that the readers think and contemplate on the various saying of the Revered Master and derive maximum benefit from the same.
you can find saying Lalaji era month wise.
Samavarti | Prana |
Bhuma | Prabhu |
Bhanwar | Iswar |
Varada | Krishna |
Samadristi | Satpad |
Radha | Viveka |