Page 125 - The Path of Grace
P. 125

seat of power. Master states that all yogis of the past have had some power or the other granted by this center. Power corrupts is more true while dealing with this center than anywhere else. The charm of power is known to all and one who loses himself in this charm naturally forgets his goal and thus becomes a Yoga brashta. The charm of this center being what it is the abhyasi is likely to become an Avadoot and lose sight of the real goal of sadhana i.e. realization of Self.
This center is linked with Rudra sakti. Rudra sakti is characterized by its capacity to upset others and make them weep. There is a peculiar effect cast by this center which in some cases makes the Aspirant consciously or unconsciously behave in such a way as to criticize others beyond proportion or makes him unduly critical of others

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