Page 148 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 148

do they come to you at all? From where are they coming? They are not coming from elsewhere in the atmosphere. They are coming from within and you are face to face with those thoughts, which are your own most of the time. Some of the unfortunate souls may be having thoughts of others also, this is possible. May be because of an extraordinary attachment that they have got to some friend, some other gentleman, the thoughts relating to them may come. More often than not the thoughts come to you relating to your father, mother, their health, their problems, your sisters, brothers, the brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws, all sorts of problems which they are having, with which you have nothing to do still will come. You cannot solve that problem here, still the thoughts will be coming to you. This is because of lack of orientation we have got to our goal. If our goal clarity is there, these things will not come. So if you record your diary all these thoughts will be finding a place in your diary. Honestly record during meditation that these are the various thoughts that have come to me. Over a period of time if you see whether these thoughts are reduced that means your sadhana is progressing properly, otherwise you should concede the point that your sadhana is not progressing properly.
Now, what is the goal with which we are starting? We are saying oneness with the Ultimate, oneness with the Master, it is a very very peculiar word that we are using because we really don’t know what is God, nobody has seen Him. We have got umpteen number of pictures, statues, portraits, so many things are there available, each one of them having its own attraction to some people. Some people feel attracted to a Gopala, somebody else feels an attraction to Radhakrishna, the reason for this we do not know. Some people like that and some people like this, somebody else for Balakrishna. All are related to Krishna but different types of adjectives attached to it and each one is choosing it mainly because of his own inclination. That is the type of problem that we have got, that is not the goal that we are going to have. Unless that particular thing is so deeply embedded in you, that you seek only that and if your prayer is of a very high order it is just likely that Divinity may also yield to your request and may appear in that form. Do you understand? It is not that that is the form of divinity but divinity may yield if your devotion is of a very high order, of an extraordinary type, total commitment to a particular form if you have got, divinity may out of its consideration for you, may reveal it but that is not the form

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