Page 149 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 149

of divinity. Divinity has no clear-cut form, it is formless, nameless. That being so when we talk about achieving the goal, what are we talking about?
So the goal is “O Master, thou art the real goal of human life”. We said that one sentence. The clarity by itself will not emerge immediately. What is the clarity that you have got on that concept? What is the clarity that I will be in a position to impart to you on this concept? Seems to be tough but, if you know the all pervasive nature of the Master, God, when you meditate, you feel that, then a meaning develops towards that, that particular sentence gains a meaning. Do you catch my point? The goal clarity comes not in the beginning, the goal clarity comes in the end. Only this much of clarity that we require in the beginning is that God is without any form or name and He is the one who is supporting all of us, He is the one because of whom we are living, this is a basic understanding that we should have. If we have this understanding that it is He that is working through us then you understand that whatever you do should be pious, should be righteous, should be correct. It is not as though ethics leads to God, it is God who leads you to ethics, reality is that. Reality is, I should do good and therefore I will be reaching God. No, you know God is there with you and you cannot afford to pollute Him and therefore you do good. The reason why I should do good is divinity is expressing through me and when divinity is expressing through me, I cannot afford to commit mistakes, I cannot commit foul, I cannot behave ungodly, I cannot behave evil. Many people put this question, in modern days, why should anyone do right? What is the reason why we should good? The reason for that is simple - that we are the expressions of the divinity and divinity is purity, on this there is no doubt. Divinity is purity, nobody says divinity is impure. The whole human civilization has accepted this concept of purity to go along with God so we have no business whatsoever to pollute it and therefore we have got to be living at the level of purity, doing good deeds.
So now what is the human level? What is this human life about? This is the reason why our people have stated that you should practice Satya, Ahimsa, Asteya, Aparigraha and Brahmacharya. These are the five qualities that you should develop to remain as a human being. If you commit any mistake in any one of these things, you have behaved as something not human and unless you live at the human level, the talk of God makes no sense. First of all let us be humans, then we will think about a God. The purity of God, of which we are now cent percent sure when we

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