Page 110 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 110

given every person his due. Naturally a tree which requires manure will be given more manure, a tree which does not require that much manure will not be given that much of manure. What is great differentiation we are trying to make? Each according to the need, each according to its capacity. All these concepts are lost. As I told you sharing has unfortunately meant divide, so really one does not know why the dictionary should have two words one is share and another is divide, one is enough why have two words. Your dictionary can be shortened but then that is the level to which we have come to.
The most funniest aspect of it would be, if you have gone to any dinner to any marriage now a days, previously dinner means people used to serve in the plates and all that, that culture somehow is lost. Now it is kept somewhere, some common plates are there and you have to collect it and then go. They expect some 500 people or 1000 people there but then we also know that some persons somehow take more than their quantum and after sometime you will find that, that plate will be empty so people will start rushing to that preferred item first. For what reasons we do not know we rush and then take their pieces, so literally what is happening is nobody wants to share even in those circumstances. Each person sharing, no, no sharing, only exploitation. Who is smarter here? So remember the dogs and remember these men, the beautiful analogy comes to you. You can paint, if you are a painter you can easily paint. If you are a poet, you can write. So sharing is lost, fraternity is lost. It is not lost today only, it has been lost long long time ago, they have never been achieved. Vali and Sugreeva are there, Sundopasundas are available, any number of examples you can go on giving. Fraternity has always been an elusive affair, and you will never be in a position to accomplish it unless you know that you are divine and the other person is divine.
There are three principles which the French Revolution has thrown out; Liberty, Fraternity and Equality. These are the three concepts thrown out to the modern world by the French revolution. All the three are spiritual values and they do not stand in the secular level. That is the reason why we are not able to achieve any one of them. We gave a distorted version for it and then stated that equality before law, and not that all of us are equal because we are all children of the divine. So we misinterpret it to mean that it is equality before law. Is there one universal law in this world? No. Each country has got its own, perhaps each state has got its own, and

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