Page 112 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 112

to come and then only you can go. Something like that will always be there, somebody possesses God. When it is something like an external thing it is possessive, if it is something internal everybody possesses his own God so I do not have to fight with you. I have my God with me and you have got your God with you. Unfortunately or fortunately God is one, we know definitely, yes! we are from the same source. All people who worship different types of deities, I do not think they have got different Gods in their heart. There cannot be a christian God, there cannot be a muslim God, there cannot be a hindu God, there is only one God. So we come to this commonness only when we go beyond the level of religion itself. Then only, it will become possible. So religion has to be transcended. When? How? What history is going to do let us watch and see. At present we have seen religions have failed. Whether it will be transcended or not is what you have got to see. It is a matter for us to observe. Some more years we are going to live so we will see, what is going to happen to it.
Once we know that it is something that everybody is our brother etc things, the point raised namely that we try to be one up and feel bad or good about somebody etc things. We start thinking that somebody has done harm to us or somebody has done good to us. So long as we have got the concept of somebody is doing good to us, it is ok. We may not be very grateful to him but we will never be ungrateful to him normally. When a person does good generally people don’t acknowledge it but I must tell you an interesting joke which I had some 20 years back. I was with some minister then talking to him and he is known to have founded many educational institutions etc. things in west godavari district and so many allegations are there and so many praises are there. Somebody was telling him ‘Sir, so and so is accusing you of such and such thing’. Then for a moment he kept quiet and then his reaction was I have not done him any good then why he is it that he is abusing me? He ought not to. That was his experience. What I am trying to tell is even when you do good, somebody may still accuse you. I don’t want to go into merits or demerits of that, it is the statement only that I am just telling.
So we try to be grateful normally to a person who has done good. When somebody has done harm to us, we try to feel bad or certain times when we think we are capable, we would like to take revenge also on the fellow. In this process what happens is we develop more samskaras, we gain more impressions. The worst

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