Page 237 - Three Truths and Trillion Doubts
P. 237

Master or God is a tough one and has to be developed over. Unless fana is fully established the contact with the Masters is but an illusion. As is the fana so is the baqa.
B) I am happy that you feel the need to serve others. But without the fana not much can be done more than a lecturer in philosophy or religion. Unless preliminary state of fana is developed even giving sittings to others would cease to have any impact. This I have stressed often but somehow the doer concept does not seem to leave you. May be your orientation to the Masters of the order needs correction.
Bliss is a state generally confused with Anandam of Vedanta. Bliss is a state experienced in our system after one crosses the realms of religion, spirituality and reality. The Bliss of this condition naturally does not permit any blemish to be seen. Mergence in the ocean of Bliss should follow by the idea that it is cleaning us totally. Naturally our attention during cleaning goes towards enjoyment of the state of bliss due to lack

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