Page 80 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 10
P. 80

Bodhayanti Parasparam – Vol 10
 5. Our sadhana is essentially oriented to the problem of our existence. The problem of "Who am I" has been the oldest philosophical enquiry in human history. It is no accident that many of us feel more and more deeply compelled to discover and fulfil our purpose. This is so because the time is at hand for humanity as a whole to awaken and remember exactly why we are here. This is where our evolution has been guiding us all along. This is the nature of the New Era ushered by our beloved Lalaji Maharaj of Fatehgarh.
6. The question of what our purpose in life is can be hard to answer until we embrace the fact that our purpose is actually evolving, right along the Natural Path. This evolution can be summed up by examining three aspects of sadhana, namely our outer purpose, inner purpose and ultimate purpose. Our outer purpose is due to Ego or our doing, the inner purpose is our soul or our becoming Brahman from the present Atman and our ultimate purpose is being Brahman always.
7. The outer purpose is the traditional view of life which focuses on what we do – usually our career and the roles we play, rather than addressing who we are meant to become, we focus at this stage on what we are meant to accomplish. This has long been the level humanity has been at, and it is reflective of our sense of separation and full identification with the ego. It is the mentality of "survive and thrive". The problem with this limited view of purpose

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