Page 44 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 10
P. 44

Bodhayanti Parasparam – Vol 10
 a vision of the internal conditions of consciousness. Almost all the sadhakas often have a shy and uncertain attitude to their own experiences of consciousness. When they attempt to describe them, it is as if they were not too sure whether it all realty happened or whether they dreamt it. Experiences they consider are not a part of the real world. Slowly the assiduous aspirants by a constant study of the books of the Master and the literature of ISRC learn to adopt the language fit to express spiritual states of consciousness. Usage of words like Ajapa, Anahata, Aksi, Kasbi, Pind desh, Brahmand consciousness, Prapanna condition etc. becomes easy with more and more of practice of meditation in this system.
15. It is to be noted that these terms throw out an opportunity for realizing the condition expressed by the word or words. They provide an opportunity to expand our universe and discover new modalities of being and enable us to mould out living compatible with the goal of life we have chosen. But just as there are terms that clarify, so there are terms that can create confusion. Words that cover too wide a range of experiential modalities, for example: the two adjacent knots 1.a. and 1.b. relating to Viveka and Vairagya. If we use the term knot 1 to mean both it is obvious it does not help us discerning the specific characteristics of each of them. There are words that unite and the words that divide. Pind desh and Brahmand are dividing words while Brahmanda and Parabrahmanda are

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