Page 28 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 10
P. 28

Bodhayanti Parasparam – Vol 10
 need gurus for various needs. We get lost because we think that there are thousands of problems in the world - inflation, drought, stress, children, this, that... it's enough to drive us crazy. In fact the world has only one problem- a disorder in the minds of people that stop us from seeing reality that stops us from acting correctly.
8. There is a dark veil that exists in people's heads- as though we are all blind. We see with our eyes, but not with our minds, and we cannot interpret what we see (Dr. Madhava was telling that our brain seems to grants us vision even when we are blind suggesting there is another neural path). This functional disturbance of the mind stops human beings from fulfilling the purpose for which they were created, and that is to evolve into spiritual realms where bliss is our true nature. Master asserts that ‘ the real spiritual training is that which makes our mind disciplined and regulated , restores moderation in senses and faculties and creates lightness of spirit ‘ To develop these characteristics individually is what has been going on in the name of sadhana. And it is possible some of us have imbibed these in our nature. But to develop these virtues by humanity as such we understand is a long way to go.
9. Humanity has been aiming at this goal is what we see in the efforts of all religions. But religion is materialistic and sticky particularly to rituals and procedures going by the name of tradition. Spirituality struggles to express the

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