Page 19 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 10
P. 19

New Era
 6. The time is not just for the integration of humanity, but for the integration of all its codes, canons, and concepts. We are not just reinventing ourselves, but all of our systems of society. The rules that bind, the laws that chain, the edicts that keep us in constant conflict with ourselves, all shall perish. The Master of this millennium has come in the form of our Master physically and yet unnoticed by other than those specially gifted to know spiritually. That is why he could say ‘people come to see me rarely one sees me’. The Master is entirely spiritual Master enters to our being the moment we are introduced into this system of PAM and this was asserted by him several times. Those who doubt this never naturally feel him and the loss is theirs. We should know that it is the spirit of Master or consciousness of Sri Ramchandra that enters into our being and to our souls and we are awakened in the realm of spirituality. That is the Reality at Dawn.
7. ItisthecosmicinnerSriRamchandrathathascomeand it is time we all realise and live in the awareness that we are all children of God. Universal fraternity shall no more be an ideal but a reality that we all live by. Master has come and is living nearby in our heart to show us the way to unite with that divine universal spirit. It is the Sri Ramchandra consciousness that is reigning now and it has become a reality. We do unto others as per the directions from within and it is all the while compassion and love to others. In a poetic imagery I may say it is all

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