Page 253 - Three Truths and Trillion Doubts
P. 253

normally during later lives. Due to sadhana, first we stop forming further samskaras by total dependency on the Master, and the Karma that we have opted to undergo during this life is gone through as also the balance of Karma that we have proposed to undergo later in the next lives also are undergone either during meditations or during dreams. However it is necessary that the bhog of all previous Karma's should be gone through before we come up to the stage of mere identity from the level of individuality. You are aware that unless the help of the Master is there through Pranahuti and we attend to the cleaning methods and meditation on points A and B as given by the Great Master regularly the bhog cannot be completely gone through and the consciousness becomes Nistrigunya. The identity as different from individuality has only consciousness as its body, while the individuality is invariably a conglomerate of sense organs, motor organs, Manas and ahankar. However my experience is that while simple and silent identity is felt it is also accompanied by the feeling of devotion to Master, Perhaps that is the nature of the Soul or identity, namely to be devoted to Master with total simplicity.

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