Page 439 - Silence Speaks
P. 439

The problem of living
seems to be, and to me it is as simple as anything. Absorbency in the pious thoughts achieves this goal.
Everyone is apt to receive blows in the life of this world, and this has happened in your case regarding your salary. If you cannot think this as a gift from the beloved, think it is from Satan and you will have some courage. The heaviness will disappear by God's grace and probably it has already disappeared.
According to Islamic conviction we are said to be the offsprings of Adam who was thrown on this earth for having eaten the forbidden fruit. Naturally, the same thing should pass in us all. But, brother, crores of years have passed since the happening of this event. How can there be any effect of it now in your blood? That effect was lost being mixed in blood. Of course, eve, his wife, has not left chasing us. For generations together she has been manifesting herself. This very eve brought us to heaven from our homes, and we were also kicked to

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