Page 108 - Path to Perfection
P. 108

Absolutein our own cadre. He is Absolute – He is totally Absolute. Knowledge swims at the surface and the Real works as the base. So “Real” is the only knowledge. So when we have Reality we become aware of it. ‘Real’ gives knowledge when it becomes Reality. The Reality within and without is Jnana.
[14.4.1928 A.B.I pg 39-40]
Surat (Condition) :
After years of practice when the meditation grows deeper and the thought begins to start one’s upward march, one comes to a point where one feels “I am the power myself”. It happens when surat comes in contact with glimpses of the Divine. It loses its own character and gains the Divine one. There one starts to feel “I am Brahman”. I give the meaning of surat in this way. When thought comes in contact with soul, a third thing , a spark, is produced. This is termed surat. It leads to the Highest. Thoughts lag behind. They have no accommodation in the sphere of divinity.
After some time when Surat leaps forward, it brings in the Divine character. The self has been effaced, so naturally one goes a little further and every step brings to its lot more of Divinity. So Divinity remains in his thought. Then he begins to feel the greatness , as his mind is also trained to feel it. There he develops to “All from Him (Brahman)”. A step back reveals to him a part of the nature of God – “All is Brahman”. This is the effect midway between charging Reality and going beyond. One feels that “All is from God”.
When all these stages are over an abhyasi begins to feel himself as above all that has been said above. Thus the real character of Brahman and of himself dawns. Going beyond, everything is silent, and silence itself becomes silent.
[ 4-8-1928 ( A.B Vol 1 ) ]
Deaf and dumb state
“Deaf and dumb state: Playing within yourself in your own character; Touching your own corner; Being absent to your senses. This is the stage, which a man arrives at when he crosses his own boundaries. This is not a permanent state. That is far higher than this. It is caller changeless condition. It comes during the march of freedom. This is the end of all the activities.”

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