Page 87 - The Path of Grace
P. 87

understands why he is what he is, and accepts everything and every happening as a will of God.
During meditations the most commonly experienced colour that accompanies this state of mind is a soothing and auspicious yellow. However when the state of mind bears a tinge of unattachedness crimson is also noted. This may be due to the fact that the point 1(b), which is immediately above, has that hue.
When our thought penetrates or moves in the first knot we observe darkness as outer layer as contrasted to the relatively lighter tinge of grey that is usually felt. This should not be confused with grossness that is observed during the process of purification of self or cleaning done during the day as a part of practice.
Laya in this knot means that the desires of the impulsive part of self (lower self – animal instincts – base self) are restored to a state of balance obtained originally (i.e. in their original form, unadulterated by the mind and ego consciousness). The quality of meditation then is such that a state of

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