Page 36 - The Path of Grace
P. 36

This “downloaded” Prana is an aspect of our consciousness in the same way that our aura is, but it is denser than our aura and less dense than our physical body. Our chakras interact with our physical system via a connection with a specific endocrine gland and nerve plexus, which associates each chakra with a different area of our bodies.
The Fourth Chakra is the Heart Chakra. Chakras one through three are often called the lower chakras; probably because they rule our “lower”, more primal nature, while chakras four through seven are often called our higher chakras.
The fifth and sixth chakras are an octave above the second and third chakras, but they rule similar areas of physical life. For example, the fifth chakra rules creativity and communication just like the second chakra, but the second chakra rules our basic communications in our homes and our procreative creativity, while the fifth chakra rules our more complicated communications and our creativity in the world.

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