Page 212 - The Path of Grace
P. 212

The feeling at this stage is a sense of immense joy at the remembrance of the Master. There is nothing but a faint remembrance of the Master, yet there is immense joy the immensity of which is known to the heart only and is not measurable in any sense of the term.
The splendour here is the joy of Absolute Ignorance.
The second ring of splendour from the Base relates to the aspect of Moon. It is the refined expression of that Mahat. This is origin of form and number. This is also the root for prosperity, prophesy and tradition. The joy or bliss of this region is felt as attachment to the Guru and the love for the Guru in its super finest inexpressible terms. It is the state of the bubble of joy yet to reach its surface. (The soap bubble that is emerging from below the sheet of water is the closest example we have).
The feeling at this stage is the joy arising out of the awareness of the all pervasiveness of the Master and the splendour of His omnipresence deeply experienced in the heart. It is not any sensory awareness of the experience of Divine

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