Page 121 - The Path of Grace
P. 121

The journey of the aspirant towards the Ultimate takes a different shape after crossing the realm of the Pind desh. The consciousness which was hitherto oriented towards oneself changes in its dimension and develops into a concern for the others and gradually turns to be all pervasive. Particularized consciousness restricted to the body ‘boundary’ now crosses its limits and moves to encompass the universe gradually.
The transformation of consciousness is a steady and slow phenomenon. The consciousness which was oriented towards the existential needs in Mooladhara chakra slowly transformed covering conative and affective fields and has acquired a human tinge through the chakras of Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata and Visudhha, now embarks on a different plane totally alien to the earlier phases of consciousness which are related essentially to the Pind. This transformation into transpersonal realms is crucial and the real value of human existence is

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