Page 84 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 84

call to God 'Thou art the real goal of Human Life'. We have fixed the goal. The goal is God or God's state. I fully emphasize 'God's state' is more important than God. For the attitude of becoming God has produced more asuras than Gods. A God's state will be attained by people who have actually arrived at His condition, a condition of absolute repose with God. That is why God's state is important than God. That is why we say, Thou art the real goal of human life. But there I would say only God's state. Because peace is considered to be the state of absolute perfection and we know that we cannot arrive at that condition unless our desires are removed. The desires which we have, the wishes which we obtain - are all opposed to our attaining God because we are finite, limited and our aspirations are for small things and not for Godly state. So we try our level best to get rid of these desires and wishes. We are slaves to them, because we obey our wishes and our wishes never obey us. That is why we say 'we are slaves of our wishes' and we are not able to escape from their bondage. The worst bondage that man suffers is from his wishes which command him to run about in the world to try to make money

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