Page 51 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 51

barking‘ subject as they have not developed this sort of vision.
Such a personality, as described previously, is neither friend nor foe to anybody. He is all along balanced in his ways and never loses equilibrium. If perchance he does so even for a moment, atmospheric disorder and gloominess will be the result. If it continues for some time the shadowy hearts of the people will collapse. Activities, at this stage, are all gone and actions become automatic. But if activities remain as they are, the solution of life is not arrived at.
During our march to freedom we come across various chakras having different forms and colours. They are all in the region of heart. Above it the condition is different from what you have already experienced. Chakras are all gone. The structure falls off as soon as you proceed onwards. By meditation under the guidance of a capable master the thing becomes easily accessible. Iron will and constant impatience and restlessness for gaining the object bring easy success.
Lord Krishna had originally introduced bhakti in Raja Yoga in a way the yogis know, because

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