Page 42 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 42

Practical hints on Meditation
- Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
When we meditate, the Central Power we have i.e. thought in its pure form remains in force.
We start our practice fixing our mind on one point in order to practise meditation (Dhyana of Rajayoga). The previous steps of Ashtang Yoga are not taken up separately but they automatically come into practice as we proceed on with meditation. Thus much of our time and labour are saved.
The practice followed is meditation on the heart. There is a great philosophy underlying it. We have got within us the same central force (thought), though marred by our wrong doings. We take work from the same force during meditation. This is how we proceed naturally with Nature's force, so to say. When we meditate, the central power we have remains in force. It disperses the overwhelming clouds which are greatly fried up by its force. It cannot be expressed in words, only an aspirant can

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