Page 376 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 376

good. But then when difficulties and miseries engulf him there develops an area where there is a crack in the door of ego. And it is through that crack alone does the bright light come and it is not all that pleasant in the beginning; it is in fact very irritating. Slowly when the cracks increase and more light starts pouring in through the crevices in the Ego we start learning to look for the same with eagerness and in fact we wait for such light beams as may drown us. From this state we learn that the light is really inviting us to find our way out and we find the doors of the Ego are now open to go yonder.
This is one of the most important lessons in sadhana: to look for the crack in the shell of Ego where there is a bright light coming through. It is too bright and it is irritating and it is painful, but that is the way out. If we do not do this exercise ourselves the masters help us making the cracks bigger and larger through lessons that are equally painful to learn and understand. Many miss the opportunities provided thus because of the thickness and roughness of their shells.
Thus the very thing that spiritual aspirants, as
well as all other people, should seek but tend 376

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