Page 354 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 354

to chew and cuddle as the idea given for meditation is not something that we are habituated to play with. And through practice we have found that the method is about dissolving the habits of mind that obscure our true nature.
In fact the problems of many persons who practice meditation relate to the problem of clarity of goal that one seeks. In spite of our being very insistent that the aspirants should be clear about the goal they have when they practice PAM many have their own penultimate goals. It is found that the oft sought-after benefits of meditation to the body and mind can only be secondary, if at all. But many aspirants tend to make them primary if not the only goal even as Master has clarified while classifying the types of disciples. In fact there are many who would pursue their old and habituated methods of practice along with PAM. But the fact that they are still seeking even after the practice of other methods, means that those methods practiced as beneficial methods have not freed them. If they had served the purpose, obviously there would be no need to continue seeking. This does not

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