Page 333 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 333

be the subtlest, and we shall thereby be meditating upon the subtlest. Every saint has used the word Light for it and I too cannot avoid it, since that is the only expression best suited for the purpose. But that creates some complications, because when we talk of light the idea of luminosity becomes predominant, and we begin to take it as glittering. The real light carries with it no such sense and may be represented as 'light without luminosity'. It refers to the very real substance or, more appropriately, the substance which is associated with neither light nor darkness but is beyond both.‖ Here in the very technique of meditation we find the Master eliminating the very process of perceptive knowledge and is asking us to directly dive into the Infinite. In fact he is asking us to meditate on the Unknown- a divine light without luminosity. Those who are accustomed to accept only the perceptive knowledge will not find this method agreeable. But unfortunately the mind with all its notions and ideas cannot comprehend reality in its true form. Any change or modification on the procedure given to us by the Master is bound to lead us to perceptive knowledge which cannot grant us the

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