Page 33 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 33

Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
In Raja Yoga we generally start with meditation. There is a great underlying philosophy in it. We find ourselves all the time busy with the worldly things. If we are not doing anything, our thoughts seem to have wings in the leisure hours. We are always in tumult and disorder. Our individual mind has become used to such type of character, and thus we have made everything topsy-turvy. Our actions and thoughts count much in our wrong making. When we remain in contact with ideas and thoughts of different kinds, they leave impressions upon our emotional feelings and senses. All senses are spoiled and adopt a wrong course. When such practice continues for a long period, we make them worse. The marks we thus make upon the senses and indriyas turn them solid like a rock, having no bodh or wisdom.
Soul is, no doubt, not acted upon, but we create such obstacles and coverings which keep it enwrapped all round like the cocoon of

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