Page 316 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 316

own unreality, the wrong notions and wrong conclusions based on them and avoid pseudo- solutions and evasive solutions. As Dr. K.C.V. puts it, it is only when we become naked like that bereft of all our resourcefulness do we gain access to the realm of the divine. As our consciousness gets settled in such a nakedness and a recurrent awareness of our non being is gained due to Pranahuti we slowly but definitely begin to think and act from the core of our being or is it non-being? It is only when we think and act from the core our identity in the stream of universal consciousness do we gain the capacity to reach and affect the core of others, regardless of whether or not they themselves work are in our path.
When we touch the core of the main stream of consciousness we experience our self identity as subservient to that consciousness that is universal and all loving. This is the true self we arrive at during meditations and work on co aspirants. When our experience of self, of others and of life is not distorted but in accord with reality, we start expressing all the benign forces or divine qualities like reason, love, understanding, insight, strength, resiliency,

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