Page 311 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 311

not there naturally the means and methods one adopts would themselves serve as bondages in the path of progress. Once the restlessness for the attainment of the goal is there the Master appears on the scene and it shall be our duty to abide by what he says under all circumstances.
But Master says the problem is with our resourcefulness. Admittedly being resourceful is one of the requirements for success. Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita (Chap. Xviii-43) indeed mentions this as one of the duties enjoined on the Kshatriyas. Now that the castes have become meaningless in the lives of aspirants in this path these injunctions cannot be considered as binding in sadhana. Various methods are prevalent in acquiring Brahma Vidya and many self appointed and genuine counselors are there advocating different methods to be adopted by the aspirant. Dr. K.C.Varadachari states that ―All these methods are counseled, but the primary one is the condition of surrender, or self-giving or offering to the Ultimate. This condition prepares for all the rest. So much so, acaryas of the path of realisation had insisted on seeing the individual and his condition of

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