Page 254 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 254

as we owe it to the Master. Our becoming a realized man is of no use to anybody. We get realized so that we try to make others realized. That is the Dana that we have to do, and that is what Revered Babuji says.
What is Yajna? This is one duty where we all default, for no fault of God. We all are defaulters here, for what ever reason it is. Yajna in the traditional sense is out of question for us to follow. We know it is not possible for us to practice, and unfortunately nobody does a Yajna, unless there is a Brihaspathy or a Brahma, who is there prepared to recite the mantras. In our system we are asked to do prayer at 9''o clock in the night. A prayer, with an explicit will that all people in the world are our brethren and that they are developing true love and devotion to God. If we put this question honestly to ourselves whether this is being done, perhaps we will be very disappointed with the answer. Because I know what is happening. We are at least not aware of what was not happening, namely we are not discharging our duty. Many of us will be more surprised with the answer they would get if they introspect. So if we see the methods they are the same as the old.

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