Page 173 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 173

Renunciation from all attachments that our Ego has developed in the course of its creation of its own universe, is in no way connected to the various modes or orders of social life but a condition of consciousness in which it realises its spiritual absoluteness. Here ethics and spirituality coalesce in the attunement of the individual to the structure of the cosmos. Man becomes one with creation, being freed from the bondage of attachment, convention and anxiety. The aspirant fixes his attention on nothing but the Infinite and is ill equipped to know nothing other than it. For one who has fixed for himself such a goal the duties of the Brahmacharin, Grihastha and Vanaprastha are not progressive stages of self-sublimation and self-transcendence but a compliance to the social order that a civilized society has developed to bring an ethical and moral order and each one of the stages actively assisting him in leading a life of total dedication to the Divine with an attitude of due attachment which is the real and natural meaning of Sannyasa. The three basic cravings, called Eshanas in the Upanishads, which correspond to the psychological complexes in the form of desire for wealth, fame (with power) and sex, are

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