Page 146 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 146

yourself be motivated to do for one hour. But then our sloth is such 30 minutes becomes 25 minutes and 25 minutes becomes 20 minutes, 20 minutes is nearer 15 minutes, 15 minutes is nearer 10 minutes, 10 minutes is nearer 5 minutes and then the prayer is over the moment you sit down, getup and go. Its all sloth, giving all sorts of excuses for our laziness, unpreparedness to start the meditation, unyielding attitude to the divine, refusal to be in tune with nature.
Nature is active, we ought to be active. The need is to be in tune with nature. Man has become so much bestial, so much of less than a beast. Because I see all the birds getting up early in the morning and going away. The animals also start their activity. It is the human being, which is a peculiar animal. Humans even have got the capacity to come down to the level of matter and then like a log of wood or a stone he is still in the bed. Even when the world is awake and running he is still in the bed, not active, not understanding his origins. Not understanding his duties. Not attentive to his task. People are doing such things. This must go. This has to change and this will change only when all of us pray for such a

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