Page 116 - Meditation – Pujya SriRamchandraji Maharaj
P. 116

Some people do that, maybe they are helpless. But that is not the posture. The type of attention that is required Revered Babuji says, is that of a soldier, firm and alert. Attention is a common word in defense forces; any one who knows a bit of drill also knows what is to be in attention. That is the attentive posture we should have. More so because the other person before whom we conceive we are sitting is the Master Himself, God Himself. We are seeking His company. We ought to be attentive. Attentive not to the noise of the fan, whether it is running or not, or whether someone is talking, this type of attachment and the attitude we are not supposed to have.
We should have our own seat. Because our thought force is capable of influencing the environment; as all existence is consciousness in some form or the other-grosser or the finer. Even this carpet on which we are sitting is also consciousness, only in a gross form. Because we are meditating sitting on that for quite some time it is in tune with us. It enables us to be stable. If we go on changing the seat and then say, what is there we can sit anywhere we like; after all God is everywhere, what does it matter, then we cannot expect results. God is

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