Page 95 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 95

what is wrong about it? The reason is, when you want to participate with nature, nature starts activity at that time so you also start your activity at that time, before that time you be in tune with Nature. To be in tune would be to follow and that is much more superior. You may perhaps rise a few minutes later or earlier but Sun will rise exactly to the same second according to the calendar, you can see, there will be no change. So there is a meeting place between activity and inactivity, the night was inactive the morning is active. You may put this question to me sir, how do you say that, nowadays we are active the entire night. Yes, we are active we have killed nature, that’s why it is so, we have deliberately killed the nature so that there is no difference between night and day. Yes, it is very difficult for you to teach your children as to what is night and what is day. If you are just going to show, going to any metropolitan city, where you will find every time light because it has been my very tough experience to explain to my granddaughter what it is to think about darkness in the night because every where there is light so when I say that nights will be dark, she says no its not dark it is blue, I said no no it is dark then she said no it is blue, so one night fortunately in Hyderabad we have got so many days when there is no power, power cuts so it was easy for me to go and say now you see what it is. That way it is also a blessing now and then you lose power at least we can teach certain concepts otherwise it is impossible to teach that concept. How to say that nights are dark? In a situation like this how do you say that. We have deliberately killed and those of you who know a bit of Ramayana should remember that when this Anjaneya entered the Lanka in the night it was all bright so he was confused whether it was morning or night. It was one of the greatest confusions at that time, I think we are in no better position than that today. I don’t want to make the conclusion that all of us are asuras but then by and large that seems to be the position. It is a miserable state of affairs in which we are now but if we want to restore ourselves to balance, first thing is be in tune with nature, night is inactive, day is active.
Your heart is the place where there is both activity and inactivity, it beats, there is one off period, there is one on period. Similar is the night and day, so he says to you that you get up early in the morning, meditate at that time. How long, how much, is secondary issue. That it is one hour or half an hour or 45 minutes or one and half hours each person decides and in a modern world like this since you cannot give too

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