Page 91 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 91

You have by now seen the 10 maxims or commandments of Sri Ramchandra. The crux of the issue is we know what is good, we do not do what is good. When we try to give our mind or intellect or reasoning, use any word you like, more importance than to other faculties that God has given namely feeling, love, attachment, empathy, this problem generally comes. There are historical facts that over about 5 to 6 thousand years or more, we have been somehow giving too much importance to the intellectual or the mental sphere and slowly we are getting away from our basis i.e, Nature. Instead of being one with the Mother Nature we have somehow chosen sometime in history a concept of conquering Nature. Instead of being in tune with Nature we wanted to conquer it and there arose all our problems. This problem was not there earlier, because behind every force that was there, the early man was able to see, the vedic seers were able to see, something which is definitely good and which is in order. Even when he praised or adored Natural forces he was not adoring the Natural forces as such but was trying to see what is the good they were doing to him. When we worship Sun they knew very well what Sun is, but then they also knew without him they will not be in a position to live and therefore they granted him the status of God. Similar is the position with the trees, which they knew is very important for their existence, for natural living, similarly about the rivers, similarly about the mountains so on and so forth. Somebody from the west who was not able to think all this well early and all of a sudden sometime in the middle of the last millennia or the present millennia, the fag end of which we have come already, started their theory of exploitation of the natural resources and consequently exploitation of other human beings also and they taught us the philosophy that perhaps you are very very pre-mature set of fellows worshiping this or worshiping that. They could not go to the basis, understandably, because their thinking pattern is such. It is our misfortune that we have started accepting it as correct and for about 250 years of slavery or perhaps a bit more, I think, we have finally come to a stage when we have got to adjust. We know in our minds that this is right, we are not able to accept it because the language of feeling is almost totally forgotten. Everybody knows some English, some French, some German, some Sanskrit, some Telugu, some Hindi, some language or the other we seem to be knowing. They are

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