Page 79 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 79

as the one who is connected only with God and nobody else, the truth alone will stay and then you have due attachment. Many abhyasis have been asking me, Sir, please tell us what is due attachment and what is undue attachment. Any attachment that you have got with reference to any relationship that you have got is only undue attachment. The only due attachment that we have can have is with reference to sat, the truth, the principle of Divinity in us. This is a condition and no amount of my explaining this system will make you understand what it is. So this leads us to the first knot, first is sat-asat viveka and then you also understand that you have got to have only due attachment.
You know the transience of your self and various colors, various expansions are felt, in all these things you will find again certain things, you feel that you seem to be nearing it with that condition of sat-asat viveka, nearing it, you seem to know that there is something like sat and asat, nearness. This is the word in sanskrit we generally use the word samipyatha. We seem to be moving towards that feeling, it is not as though we have established there. We seem to know yes there seems to be something like this. Then we enter into that, we enter into that state, you are more established here. You definitely know that this is permanent, that is not permanent. Then that comes under salokyatha, then we live in that world, start moving. We become similar to that, that condition itself is yourself, you feel that you are that, nobody is attached to you, you are attached only to the Divine, you are entirely one. Then you have got the laya, mergence. In every feeling you have got these four states; If you are attentive to your sadhana, you will find in every state that is going to be this and later. You will be feeling nearness to it, you will be feeling and then you will be feeling you are entering into that; you start feeling the breeze of that, you start experiencing that, that is perhaps while you are that’s the world. If you want to put the grossest of analogy; if you are getting into an A/C room, as you enter it, you know you are getting into a cool place, when you settle there, you really become cool, as you enter it you feel it the nearness to it - this is salokyatha and then you have got the sarupyatha where you become similar to that, your nature itself becomes that and then the mergence. This mergence is a mergence not to be lost here forever, but to move on, we should move on to the next condition. Each laya takes us to the next stage and that is the one of the toughest problems we have got here and that is why so many people who are viraktas, who have become sanyasis,

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