Page 77 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 77

over the father. She participates in the Divine function of sacrifice first, and then she teaches that lesson to the husband. Now, here God in essence, God in manifestation having the principles of sharing, serving and the third principle we have got, sacrifice. If we learn these three things in life we have learnt almost everything of spirituality. If we can behave like this it’s enough but then what stands in the way? What stands in the way of our doing it? Why is it we are not prepared to part with money, a few rupees that we have earned today with others? It is because we have not learned to serve, we have not learned to sacrifice, we have not learned to share. We think it is ours.
The possessiveness is one of the things that we have learned unnecessarily and that is the nature of a tiger and not a lion. Lion kills its prey and then throws it off and then goes after eating it while the tigers save it for the next day. Please note this fear of not getting food tomorrow is there more with the tigers than with the lions. I am comparing both the wild animals, there are few more satvic animals which I can bring into the picture but then I want you to understand even the noble animals are those which share, the ignoble animals are those which try to save it and then after all it may die then it goes waste. These values we have forgotten but they are spiritual values, they are not social values, they are entirely different. Social values, I have told you already marriage institutions, they are different, spiritual values are different.
So now what stands in your way is your self and once you know there is no such thing like self and you are only a relationship, a bundle of relationships, you will not try to own anything. The sat-asat viveka automatically dawns on you. This is the nature of the first knot. There are 13 knots in our system as depicted by SriRamchandraji Maharaj. The nature of the First knot is trying to distinguish between what is sat and what is asat, what is permanent what is not permanent. I try to come to this point through a non vedantic method, because vedantic methods are there to teach this but I don’t believe in that because for practical people we want to know what exactly the problem is.
Everybody knows we are not going to live tomorrow, thereby we don’t grant ourselves non-existence, we don’t. Once you know your relationship, sit in meditation and then see what you are then you know there is only one friend for you and that is God. He is with you, the only friend. All other friendships, all other

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