Page 54 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 54

What is Pranahuti? It is the influx of Divine grace into your heart. If this is done and if that link is established between you and the Ultimate which is inherent, which is necessarily there with you which you have chosen to put it under particular veil, if this can be done, what happens is, you start growing more and more according to the Ultimate, less and less according to your creation. So Pranahuti helps you in achieving your goal of oneness with the Divine in every aspect of our life and when I use these words, I am not using it from the advaitic angle or a visistadvaithic angle or anyone of the philosophical angle but only from yogic point of view. At present the problem is ‘I am so and so, I have occupied this position , I am related to them in this way, I am related to them in some other way’ this is what we know. This particular creation of bonds that we have made for ourselves has to gain a meaning. If it has to gain a meaning, it is possible only when we bring Divinity in the picture and then say that he is also related to me in that way. Many times you know I always thought in terms of somebody else related to me, I do not think simultaneously that he is also related to me in his own way. I don’t take the other man’s point of view, it always happens. Most of us when we think, we always think from our point of view but not from the other man’s point of view. Much of it has been said in the philosophies empathy, sympathy etc psychologists have said. The empathy or sympathy etc things is natural for you once you have got this link because you are linked to the Divine and as well as he is linked to the Divine then what happens is the flow of consciousness is smooth, is straight. We don’t strain ourselves to feel sympathetic, we don’t strain ourselves. That is why you find people who are advanced in spiritual life automatically either weeping or laughing when another man is weeping or laughing, he can’t help it. Everybody’s suffering is his, everybody’s happiness is his because he doesn’t have a self which says that no no you should not do like this, all this etiquettes he will not observe, he will go beyond.
Pranahuti is basically a linkage of the Divine grace with Divinity which is there in our heart. Two similar things joined together and our journey to the infinite is smooth. The question now is, is it all that simple for us to get united with the Divine? Am I fit for this? Any serious person will put this question, Am I fit for this? Am I entitled for this? Am I qualified for this? Do I have an arhat for it? We have been taught so much in religion that all this questions automatically come to us. Religion has said all these things that you must purify yourself and then only think in terms of

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