Page 52 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 52

One of the questions that beginners usually ask is regarding, how to locate the heart? The heart is located in the chest and it tilts towards the left. It is a fact that during meditation you do not see it nor do you see anything for that matter. All of us do not see in the beginning or we have been accustomed to seeing outside rather than seeing inside so it takes time for you to learn to look inside. When you grow sufficiently you definitely see even minor details of inner mechanism, if you go into that siddhi aspect of it, but if you are going only to the concept of Divinity in your heart, you know where it beats so that is the reason why SriRamchandraji Maharaj has used the word where it beats. Where it beats means instead of searching for heart elsewhere you know it is somewhere in the chest.
You suppose that there is a Divine light there. You suppose, you don’t imagine, you suppose. I think the concept of supposition also should be explained to you clearly. Those of you who know this mathematics theorems, you suppose something and then at the end of it you prove that. A supposition is invariably a thing that is proved. Imagination is something that is not necessarily proved. That’s why the word is very very clear that is you are almost sure that it is there and then you suppose it and then you prove yes it is there by your experience. A supposition is a very positive idea, positive will.
When we talk about this presence of the Divine in our heart, we are talking about the presence of the prana i.e. The Prana and this prana is something that is creating circumstances by which the Divine can exhibit fully in you according to your merits and there are no demerits. Please note there are no demerits in life, everything is merit. Only when we look at it from its utility angle the concept of demerit arises. Only when economics enters into the field of life, then something of a demerit arises otherwise everything is merit. So this particular prana is what we are having, He is in your heart and that means He is capable of expressing Himself fully in you, that’s the potentiality that you have got, that you can be Divine. Whether it is Ramakrishna who said it, or Ramana who said it, whoever has said that we can be Divine in the sense that we have got an inherent capacity to be Divine, we have right for that Divinity, inherent right because God is in us. Now what is it that pranahuti is supposed to do here. If I have a right to be Brahman, Aham Brahmasmi is my fundamental right then what is it this Pranahuti is supposed to do? What is happening is, when this prana that is there in your heart is at work, what we have

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