Page 50 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 50

With the advent of The Supreme Personality of SriRamchandra, this particular role has been passed onto Him. Now, what does this person do? What does the prophet do or what does the supreme personality do with reference to us? With reference to the Nature, whatever they do they do, you have nothing to do with it. With reference to us they direct the flow of the Divine, the love or the compassion of the Divine to our heart whenever it is asked for, by whomsoever it be, he need not be a person who is directly connected to him, he need not be in the system that he is advocating, any person anywhere in the universe, any human being has got that right to call on the Divine because he is of the Divine. We are all part of the Divine and we have got that inherent right to go back to God and whenever you seek that God’s help it is diverted to you, the flow is diverted to you. This is very vaguely hinted by SriRamchandraji Maharaj in Reality at Dawn. If you read it, any person who wants to know what it is, if he prays in earnestness, he will come to know what it is. The reason for that is, this has been experienced by all people, any person in great distress, any person who is in great love - whether distress and love or just love itself has always been able to get that inspiration from the Divine. He has never lacked it because God’s love has no boundaries. It is there really full but one person channelizes that and the person who channelizes is the Supreme Personality or a Prophet or what ever word you use for that. It does not mean other people are not capable of doing their sadhana, they may do their sadhana or they may help other people in their sadhana but diverting the flow of the Divine grace is the exclusive privilege of one person and that person continues to reign for about a thousand years or so approximately. It may be less it may be more but generally it’s for a period of millennia they work, if you see the history one person will always be diverting.
So what is this that this person does, what do we mean by diversion of that grace of God? What exactly do we mean by that? Before I answer this question or before you can answer this question for yourself let us come back to fundamentals. We think about the Divine presence in our heart, why not somewhere else? Why not it be our head? Why not it be our nose? Why not it be something else in the space? Why should I meditate only on the Divine light in the heart? Heart has got, when you say feelings, it means that it knows the language of God. Heart knows the language of God, language of God is feeling so the language of God it knows. That is one

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