Page 166 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 166

consciousness of his body, but something else. There is something of a change. At least temporarily an altered state of consciousness he has, that gives him the quiet, that gives him the calm, that gives him the peace. This is had in the very first sitting. In the second sitting what is done is we try to give the suggestion through the process of will that this person is moving from the animal state to the human state. Not all of us are born as humans, totally. We are human, we are also animals, it is our duty to reduce the animal and move on to the human level. That is our right. That is the only justification. Then only our existence is justified, otherwise we have wasted, squandered the opportunity. We enable the applicant, we enable the aspirant, and we enable the practicant.
When we say animal level we say that the person is governed by the instincts which enable the physiological system to survive and the fundamental principle of life is trying to get the next generation, procreation, thirst. These are the things that govern us. Any animal does it. All animals eat, all animals drink, all animals procreate. From this level we have to move on to the human level. We cannot confine ourselves only to this level. If we analyse ourselves, we will understand that majority of our culture is devoted only for these two purposes. All our activities almost appears to be concerned to these two levels. That is, we are not behaving as men. We are behaving as animals.
The first transformation that SriRamchandraji Maharaj wants or any sane man would like is to become a man first. So the suggestion that is given, the will that is given is that we move on to the human plane. That the aspirant tries to live as much as possible in the human plane and as little as possible in the animal plane. At present the twist is the other way. We are asking the people to live at the animal plane more and more thanks to all the advertisements that we have got and at human level less and less. So there is a shift that we are asking. That shift that you have to aspire, the practicant has to aspire for that and the help of the trainers is to will such a movement. Such a will can become real only when he has established himself at that level, otherwise it will be fooling yourself and fooling God apart from fooling others. Pranahuti is effective only from the persons who are able to move out of this level. That is why we will find different levels of transmission that are coming. According to the level of the trainer we will feel the intensity. Though the power is the same. The power is the same, the will of the master is the same but the quality

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