Page 165 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 165

means now one must wait for half an hour after one hour, we sit for another half an hour after 2 hours again half an hour and then we say that the person is introduced. That person is not introduced. The complaints regarding the constraints of time are not acceptable here. Fine, the trainer has completed in his manner, but nothing has happened. Because it takes time to seep in. The thought has to sink to the heart. What is it that we do at the time of introduction? We establish a link with the ultimate source of consciousness which, we are capable of touching namely that of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj. Beyond that we are not conscious of what it is. Because he is himself void. Any other concept above him maintained by some people mainly because of their information coming from books of Vedanta and other sources make them think that there must be something above. Above void there can be void and void alone. When we say that the master has merged in the void and he is null, then he is null. That's all about it. Any idea that is maintained by any person as seeking some help from the divine straight is a peculiar philosophical concept entertained by vedantin's for reasons of their own. I would not like to get digressed. There is no point in talking about things, which are not tangible. Absolute, Brahman, Divine, Ultimate, these words for me do not mean anything so far as sadhana is concerned. Because we have a master who is available to us on the one side and who is himself merged in the ultimate on the other side.
There are two portions of SriRamchandraji Maharaj that we have got to clearly understand. His personality is null. He is void that is one aspect of it. The other aspect of it is he is available to us and we can reach him. We can reach him through the connections that are going to be established. The very first sitting that we are going to have, we tell the new practicant that this person is getting introduced to God through the masters. We use the word Divine. Varadachari as a philosopher, as a scholar he used this word several times, ultimate. SriRamchandraji Maharaj uses the word BHUMA, to refer to that condition which is not the last one, which is actually the penultimate. Ultimate is ultimate only - void. The Bhuma is the one that expresses. The mother is the one that expresses. That connection, that ensures the source. The persons who are introduced, feel as vibrations as something that moves in their body, some force that enters into them. This is the first parameter that an Abhyasi can have to show that he is experiencing a consciousness of a higher type and during that time he is in an altered state of consciousness. He is not in the

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