Page 155 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 155

To know the need for whether you are stuck up somewhere or not, diary is a must. The same thought comes to you again and again, may be even the thought of the Master that He is the saviour of all. This thought, if you go on getting only this thought forever, that means you got stuck up somewhere. The reason for that is if you start a journey from Hyderabad to Delhi, if you see same scene again and again, that means your train has stopped, it is not moving. Similarly in your consciousness if you get a same thought again and again, it is the Master always but Master as what? Master as the person who clears your doubts? Master as a person who is going to help you in your promotion? Master as a person who is going to help you in the marriage of your daughter or brother? Master as the person who is the saviour of your soul? Master as the person who is my beloved? I do not know Master nor I know myself is the condition. These are all the conditions, various conditions you come across. Final condition is really you do not know what you are, you really do not know what God is. By definition He is unknowable and by having an almost sayujya with Him you also become unknowable. So both of you become unknowable, the whole exercise looks meaningless but that is a long way off, it has nothing to do with diary. What happens is in these initial stages, we get stuck up and to know that you are stuck up, you need a diary to note it. Otherwise, I have got a standing way of looking at things that if you ask any person how was your mediation or how was your studies? Let us not bother about meditation, let us talk about how was your office? You will say, fine. What did you do? Nothing, what do you propose to do? I don’t know. These are the standard answers we have got for any question. That is the level to which the modern mind has sunk. There may be delivery at home, there may be death at home, there may be a marriage proposal, there may be anything for that matter, this fellow’s standard answer is nothing. The same is the position of meditation also. How was the meditation? I have got so many abhyasis, I have got so many associates with me with whom I ask this question, they always say to me ‘fine’, what did you feel? nothing. What do you propose to do? ‘I don’t know, it is for you to tell me’, these are the standard answers we got for all questions. The three answers, the modern man has got for any question in this world is this. Such a thing will not happen if you write diary, you will definitely say what is right with you or what is wrong with you. You will definitely say that I require assistance from some body or I am going to improve my meditation on point A or Point B or I will attend to my cleaning much more seriously or my mind is not staying properly therefore I will

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