Page 14 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 14

an external object. Some people ask us the question “why not we meditate on the bruhmadya?”, “why not we meditate on the nasikagra?” Please note here also you are trying to externalize your vision. You are looking out here and ultimately what is it you are striving to get? To go inside, how do you do that? That is the reason why SriRamchandraji Maharaj says I am not going into merits or demerits of those systems but if you meditate on the Divine light in the heart without luminosity it is easier for you to achieve your goal. And why do we try to achieve this goal? So that we understand our origins. Once I understand the origin I will be in a better position to live with you. Till that time social manners alone shall help me, nothing else can help me, therefore, social customs, social manners, everything has to be followed till you get to know what is inside. In the beginning itself if you say I am going to get rid all of all those things, you will only be bringing disharmony. Therefore the samanvaya is made by RamChandraji who says do not bother about all those things continue to do but try to look into yourself. Try to look into yourself, into your heart thinking that there is a Divine light without luminosity because light again means invariably some brightness. Light unfortunately has been confused by us with luminosity, more lumious it is, more bright it is, more valid it is. Not true, because what happens is when it is bright you cannot see. When something is focused straight on you cannot see what is there behind, only this light will be seen, the source of light you will never know. If God is the source of light and if your concentration is on light you will never know the source you know only this. That it is a matter of a particular kind is further argument to which I am not going to now. As you do your sadhana you will know better but our purpose is to go to the source and not to the expression because we are searching the source not its expression because we ourselves are an expression of that. You and I are expressions of the same Divine and we have got the same right as any other expression but what we are searching is the source and in this process if we are going to go for manifestation, another manifestation, you have missed the point.
So the most important point that is stressed in this system is the meditation on the Divine light without luminosity in the heart. The purpose for this is that we should know the source. Why should I know the source? So that I understand my interdependency with all. Why should I understand the interdependency with all? Therefore I can be happy. If happiness is my goal, if settledness is my goal, I have to

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