Page 139 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 139

and the avarana is something that is there, as attachments. When we are talking about the eeshana traya it is the Avarana concept. Please note that it cannot be cleansed off at the mala level at all. More and more sittings are required for such people who feel attached to their own men. This attachment is a karmic attachment. We owe them something that is why they are linked to us. Runaanubhanda ruupena bhandu, mitra, sutha, alaya. These are all the things that come to us because of the runaanubhanda. We owe them. They will stay as long as we are indebted. The moment our debt is over, they will go, however much you think that your son should be with you, your daughter should be with you or your house should be with you, it will find its way. They will go, they will come. That it is due to the karmic factor. One should understand that he cannot wish it away. All that we can do is to arrive at a balanced way of dealing with the things. We need not develop further samskaras. Whatever Runa we had with us earlier we try to clean them off. But then even after the marriage we run after the daughter to the house where we have given them. We are supposed to forget them. They are Dana, but we don't forget them. No Danas are here. That is we try to continue an attachment out of habit. What was a burden on you, you cleared off. But then the act of clinging all these days has developed its own samskara of attachment and you continue to do it, even after you are supposed to have ceased to have any connections with it. Have clarity. Nobody is permanent here. Everybody is transient. We are moving out. One day or the other we are going out. But when you go would you like to carry the load. As Revered SriRamchandraji Maharaj says travel light. Throw off the luggage as far as possible. Travel light is a good article to read, please read Revered SriRamchandraji Maharaj's article. Even when there is an opportunity for us to travel light we like to carry some more load.
Even when by God's grace we get liberated, we want bondage. We seem to love bondage so much that things which we ought to forget, we continue to remember. We continue to hunt after them. Funny are the ways of the mind. Clean yourselves and try to take as many sittings as possible to cleanse yourself. Don't try to avoid. Don't try to avoid the issue of trying to get rid of the burden. You must get less and less burden. That is a must if you want to progress in spirituality.
Cleaning must be done. This is the unique system where we have got the assistance from Master also for this, in indirect way. Not directly. Every act is ours. The concept of cleaning has never been discussed in any other system. Everybody

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